Feb 11, 2014

Inspired by a picture

Everyday when I wake up I always quickly check my Instagram. Just to see if anyone left a comment on a picture of mine and looking through the pictures people posted when I was sleeping. And just like today I was browesing through pictures of the people I follow. And I saw a picture. I immediately wanted to make this into a nail art manicure!

Some days passed and I finally had the time to make what I wanted. The picture that inspired me is from a lovely account named _JustMarina_
and it was this picture:


So I worked on this a for about a half day to make it the way I wanted it. But I'm SO HAPPY with the end result! I really really really like this nail art! 

So prepare for a lot of pictures! are you ready?! ;) I made pictures with a matt finish and a glossy finish. Personally I like the glossy finish better on this nail art.









Maybe I'll make a tutorial on this nail art. But I'm not a 100% sure yet. Anyway if you like this design and try to recreate it and post it to Instagram tag #dutchnailss and I'll see it! :D

Have fun painting and creating,



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