Feb 6, 2014

#36 Valentine's Day Nail art #3

I'm on a roll with Valentine's Day themed nail art manis! Still could do a lot more! ;)

I was so stoked to try this idea out on my nails, but somehow it didn't quite turned out the way I imagined. 

Sadly the weather wasn't really great this day, so the pictures look very odd.. And I don't like the way the colours look on the pictures. 

The polishes I used for this nail art are listed below

For this Valentine's Day themed nail art I made a tutorial, if you are curious on how I made this nail art just click here and you will go straight to the tutorial! ;)

If you feel inspired by this look and recreate it, I would love to see what you did! If you have instagram, just use the hashtag #dutchnailss and I will see your design! :D

Have fun painting and creating, 



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