Feb 8, 2014

Swatches: Fragrance nail polish

My third swatch post! I'm starting to enjoy these blogpost more and more. This time I swatched four fragranced polishes. I never owned or tried a fragranced polish and I always thought that the scent would be weird. 

When these polishes dry they all give off a
different scent. I bought this in a pak of four
different polishes.

The scents from left to right: Coconut, kiwi, strawberry and pineapple

The coconut scent polish is a transparent polish. Perfect to use as a topcoat. The scent actually is very similar to a real coconut. Of all the four polishes, this was the only one I thought the smell was the most similar to the real deal. 

Oh my.. The kiwi scented polish.. This one doesn't smell at all like kiwi! And I really can't  describe how it does smell. I don't like the smell but I do like the color a little. A nice green colour base for a floral nail art or something? ;)

The strawberry polish, this is a very bright pink! The scent of this one reminded me of the bubblegum I always wanted when I was a little girl. It smelled not like the real fruit but like candy. Not a let down though! I really like the scent actually and the colour is beautiful too.

The last polish of the pack: Pineapple scented polish. I never eat pineapple because I don't like the taste of the fruit. So I don't really know how a pineapple smells. BUT if a real pineapple smells like this polish does... I will never never never eat a pineapple! The smell is so nasty and fake. I do NOT like this one. And the colour.. well.. maybe it's nice in summer. But i'm not super
enthusiastic about this polish.

I didn't put a top coat over the polishes, just because I wasn't sure if the top coat would get rid of the scent of the other polish.

After swatching all the polishes I decided that I liked two of the four.(The kiwi and the strawberry) The other ones I really didn't like. One of the two almost made me nauseous. Luckely the scent wasn't too strong ;)


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