Feb 14, 2014

#37 Double Crackle Nail Art

Again a nail art inspired by someone else. This time I saw a tutorial on these nails on a youtube channel. The channel of ArcadiaNailArt. She makes amazing nail art and when I feel uninspired, her tutorials always give me the best ideas! 

This was the first tutorial I saw on her channel, and I wanted to try it out because I was convinced my crackle polishes couldn´t do this.

But they could! :D

The idea of this nail art is that you use not only one crackle polish, but two. You start of with a normal colour polish. I used Catrice ´ASHley´. A light grey polish. And I used two crackle polishes of Essence. The polishes don´t have a special name, just black and white. 

! This is very important if you want to try this out for yourself !
You need to apply a top coat polish in between the two crackle polishes, if you don't do that, the second crackle polish will just crackle the same way the first one did and you won't be able to see the first crackle polish. 

The polishes I used for this look:

I made a tutorial for this manicure. If you want to see exactly how I did this you can click right here and you'll go to my youtube channel. 

If you feel inspired by this look and recreate it, I would love to see what you did! If you have instagram, just use the hashtag #dutchnailss and I will see your design! :D  

Have fun painting and creating, 




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