
Aug 8, 2015

#141 Leadlight flower nailart | Moyou London Explorer stamping plate 03

I've tried out a technique I've wanted to try out ever since I got the stamping plates from Moyou London!

I wanted to try out a the leadlight technique ever since  I've seen it passing around on Instagram. With this technique you stamp on any design you want and colour it in with sheer colours. It's as simple as that!
Products used to achieve this look:
Snow me white - Sinfulcolors
Black stamping polish - Konad
Liquid Palisade - Kiesque
Explorer plate 03 - Moyou London
Topcoat - Catrice
Be Magentale with me - Opi Sheer tint
I'm never Amberrassed - Opi Sheer tint
I can teal you like me - Opi Sheer tint
Green sheer tint - made myself
#26 - Hema
Don't violet me down - Opi Sheer tint
Matte topcoat - Catrice

Liquid Palisade is a liquid latex barrier that you apply around your cuticles to prevent nailpolish from flooding the cuticles and make clean up much faster and less messy! For more info check their site here
Just like the last time I used the sheer tints from OPI, I again had difficulties with the formula. They are very thick to begin with, and when you apply a little bit on a piece of aluminum they get even thicker very fast.
The sheer tints from opi have four colours: red, yellow, blue and purple. But for the leaves I wanted to use a green sheer nailpolish. Only one problem, I don't own any green sheer nailpolish. So what do you do? You make it yourself of course! ;)

It's very simple to do, I've shown it in the video quickly. The only thing you need is a topcoat. You can use a new one or, like I did, a half full bottle. I do suggest you use a bottle with those small metal balls in them to make the mixing easier. 

I started with adding 5 drops of a green nailpolish in the topcoat. Closed the lid and started shaking the bottle. After I shook the bottle a few seconds I tested the polish for the colour. It already had a green tint in the bottle, but on the nail it was still very clear. So I added 3 more drops


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