
Apr 30, 2015

April Favorites ~ April recap!

It's the final day of April! Time for another month recap! 

This month started with April Fools! I had a idea for a video for about a year to do for this day and this year I finally did it!

This was a total different video for me to do, and I don't think it's perfect but it gets the point across ;)

I love the nail art I did with the neon studs, it's a favorite of this month!

The accent nail is one of my favorite of the accent nails I did, the combo of the black and white and the bright neon studs look amazing together.

This month I also tried out the blobbicure for the first time! A sweet technique and when you get the hang of it it's quick to do.

This month I also learned a new technique with a new sort of gel for in my salon, it's a gel system to copy the natural free edge. Perfect for fixing a broken nail for example! And it looks SO GOOD!
And even more exiting news: I maybe have a place to rent and use as a salon! It's still not confirmed if they want to rent the place out to me, there were other nailtechs who applied to the place too.. So it's a waiting game now. I would be sooo happy if I get the place, it's a big opportunity for me to grow my salon! Fingers crossed!

And then it was Kingsday in the Netherlands, I did three french manicure nail arts with the Netherland theme.

I posted all three looks on my Instagram with a ridiculously quick tutorial. The white french with the red, white and blue glitters got shared a lot! Both the picture and the video. And in the past three days I went from 5k followers (which I was so happy about that I reached that amount!) to almost 10k. My feed got flooded with likes, follows and comments. My feed went so fast, I got so overwhelmed! Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for all the likes etc. but I am still trying to answer all the comments and questions. But because my feed went so fast, I know I will miss some and that makes me feel a bit uneasy, because I don't want people to think I don't want to answer them xD So if you are reading this and you haven't been answered (yet) don't you worry! ;)

And the final nail art I did this month: the lava nails. I LOVE THESE NAILS!!

April was awesome, let's hope May will be even better!



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