
Apr 17, 2015

#114 My first blobbicure

Tried out the blobbicure technique today!

Ever since I saw this blobbicure on my Instagram feed I wanted to try this technique out for myself, and today was is the day! 

When I started this mani I used different colours... Because this was the first time I tried out this technique I wanted to experiment on one nail before I did this on all nails.. This was actually a smart move on my part. I used a minty colour for my base and a darker blue and a silver holo to make the dots. But for some reason the dark blue en the silver holo didn't spread out like they should, they got covered by the mint colour and this looked all weird. So I picked out two other colours and tried again. And this worked!

This technique is very easy to do, you do have to work fast with adding the drops on the wet base. But the final result is totally worth the hassle. I did had some cuticle flooding going on at some point, and that resulted in not having enough base polish on the nails for the blobs to spread in, but after I added topcoat I didn't see any difference. 

The base colour is Karl says très chic by Catrice and the blobs are made with A gallon of melon also by Catrice. 

The brush on the Catrice bottles have always been wide and large, this was a bit tricky with getting the blobs on the nails. I used one side of the brush to dip down the blobs. That worked pretty well.

As you can see in the beginning in the video, I finally got Liquid Palisade! I was contacted by Kiesque if I wanted to try out their product. And because I heard/saw a lot of good things about the product, I could not refuse!

In this video I was trying the Liquid Palisade out for the first time. And so far I am liking this product! I'm thinking about doing a video about the product, but there are soooo many vids already that I thinks it's a bit unnecessary. But we'll see!



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